About Penny

 I'm Penny...


I got my name because I have a copper colored nose. I am a standard poodle, but don’t let that fool you. I am a rambunctious and inquisitive pooch that loves to play. 
My two closest friends are Freckles 6-year-old rescue, he is the spokespooch for Penny Pet Products and Mako a 6 old kitty. Boy, cats are weird or at least he is. Mako thinks he is a dog. We chase each other all the time.
One of the cool things I like to do is test pet products. I receive them all the time, toys, treats, clothing, collars, leashes and the latest remedies and vitamins. Out of these products I tell my pet parents which ones I like the best and they bring them in so we can sell them here at Penny Pet. 
Here at Penny Pet I have personally sniffed, drooled and licked them all. These products have my official Penny Pet seal of approval.